Life to the fullest
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, enchantment, and adventure. There is no limit to the adventures we can have as long as we look for them with our eyes wide open.
– Jawaharial Nehru –

About us?
During the pandemic, 4 very experienced guides and adventure lovers, Claudia, Tomás, Felipe and Sebastián, came together with the idea of transforming tourism. We believe that the most important component when sharing experiences is the knowledge of local experts who are the protagonists of your experience.
With 4REGIONES we want to share our experience of more than 20 years taking tour groups through Ecuador, our passion and knowledge in the arts of adventure travel, outdoor education, first aid in nature and many other talents that include the scientific knowledge of the earth, its culture and natural components.
We use our LOCAL KNOWLEDGE – Local Knowledge – to provide our guests with memorable positive experiences, moments of self-actualization, learning and lots of fun.
Traveling through Ecuador with us is knowing the country from its bowels; Our community of experts and professionals have turned their passion into their work and will take you to places you never imagined being and will show you another side of Ecuador that you may not have known.
Venture with us
What do we do?
4 Regiones
We offer curated Experiences, activities and unforgettable moments, these are created by local experts and professionals with years of experience in the 4REGIONES of Ecuador. In addition, its objective is to consolidate a community of local experts who can work according to their social and personal circumstances in a safe, collaborative and self-regulated space, for the benefit of all experts in Ecuador to expand the national tourism offer. All our experiences seek that the communities we visit benefit directly, in addition to applying practices such as Leave no Trace to leave a positive impact on nature during their outdoor activities, positively protecting the Environment.
How do we do it?
Through our website you can choose between the travel experiences and activities that we have carefully created, each activity you choose has the personal mark of an expert or professional who has created, perfected and experienced each moment and shares it with you. With 4REGIONES you will leave a positive mark by supporting a social activity or sharing with a local community through our Local Knowledge social project.
Just tell us what you have in mind and we will offer you your next destination in Ecuador.
Thank you for giving us this opportunity, you will not regret it. Ready for adventure?
Please send us an email to 4regionesinfo@gmail.com or write to us at +593 985068966
We will be happy to recommend the best of Ecuador